Case Management

From our headquarters, Case Managers provide children 24-hour services, 7 days a week. We rescue youth from pimps, help with medical services, public health insurance, social security/disability benefits, maternity housing, drug program placement, domestic violence housing, transportation, mental health services, psychiatric evaluations or access to psychotropic medications, advocacy with the courts, social workers, probation officers, resume preparation, job placement, access to vocational or trade schools or community colleges, applications for FAFSA (federally funded financial aid)—we are ready and willing to help.

Young sex trafficking victims and children at risk often miss out on social programs available to them because they are unaware of what is available and are easily frustrated by the tedious applications required to access these programs. Our Case Managers are well-versed in the intricacies of the system and can provide step-by-step directions to ease the process. They provide application assistance, appointment reminders, accompany youth to appointments and even arrange transportation if needed. Our case managers are available every step of the way. Without this constant support and encouragement, these children will remain on the streets.

Most long-term programs require essential documents like birth certificates and social security cards which many of our youths do not have. These items must be obtained from federal, state, and local agencies in a particular order, but with different requirements. These bureaucratic barriers can be confusing, but our trained case management staff can identify existing records, substantiate residency and create a plan for obtaining all required documents.


Learn more about all Children of the Night programs here.